Version 5.79 Beta             03/22/2019


  • Fixed a bug introduced in 5.78 that broke some gpio functionality.
  • Fixed an issue where generic protocol translators which were set up as tcp clients would try to re-establish the connection if the translator was disabled.

Version 5.78 Beta             03/01/2019


  • Note: this version has been pulled from the site as it broke some gpio functionality.
  •    The correct fix exists in 5.79.
  • Fixed an issue where a gpio state of lllll immediately after a GPIO CMD command might not get seen as a change.

Version 5.77 Beta             03/01/2019


  • Added code to retain current meter lvl state when rebuilding the router.
  •    Adds additional lookups during the final refresh router step after editing the audio router but helps to retain state and prevent false positives with stack events where multiple silence alarms are in the same stack event during an edit of the audio router.

Version 5.76 Beta             02/28/2019


  • Added an option to turn off the dailywriteroutes and revert to writing regularly.
  •    This option should not be used unless required by your specific application as it increases disk io and should not usually be necessary.
  • Blocked GPIO CMD messages from infiltrating gpio remote by port and by pin routers.
  •    If CMD was used on ports that were involved in fremote by port and pin routers the states could display textual data incorrectly instead of low or high states.
  • Added code to resend existing LVL subscription messages after a router refresh to re-establish initial states after router reconfig.
  •    This is to try and address issues where mutiple silence alarms exist in the stack event and where one of them is a livewire windows driver io.
  •    In some cases this could generate false positives after editing and recommitting the main audio router.
  •    We believe this code change will fix this issue.

Version 5.75 Beta             02/04/2019


  • Added a text file called ProbelUndefinedSource where the Administrator can change what source to use for the cleared or other state or any other undefined source in Probel Switcher.
  •    The default value is 16383.
  •    This is a change from 16384 which is actually invalid in the protocol but was used previously and most often interpreted as 0.
  •    This file is not clustered so must be set the same manually on both servers and it requires a restart of the changed server software to make the change active.
  •    The file will get created automatically upon first start in the new version.
  • Fixed an issue with Probel Switcher protocol translator that was previously sometimes sending a bad message upon the initial change to a cleared or other state.
  •    This message was ignored by all consumers to our knowledge due to its construction but it was fixed in this build anyway.
  • Added additional checks to make sure the values being submitted to PrepareSendData and the extended version in the probel protocol translaor class are between 0 and 16383 which are the valid numbers.
  • Remarked out ClearRoutesOnShutdown code in the server to make sure even if that option is enabled in the client that there is no way for it to fire.
  •    This feature should already have been non functional and initial testing proved it to be so but this fully removes any chance of this feature functioning.
  • Modified the writevirtualbay function to write out any pending router changes to the database before starting the database rewrite and to inherit the existing source for each destination if it exists in the previous instance of the router instead of setting to 0 and then checking the value.
  •    An analysis will still be done of all ios after the router is committed.
  •    This prevents sending large blobs of probel route changes when the associated virtual router is modified.
  •    Note that reordering may still result in large blobs of route changes being sent as this is based on a lookup on the destination's number.

Version 5.74 Beta             02/04/2019


  • Added support for iQx.

Version 5.73 Beta             03/02/2018


  • Fixed a bug in XNode mixer qualifiers. SourceId rather than DestinationId was being raised to the change analysis function in stack events.

Version 5.72 Beta             11/28/2017


  • Fixed a bug in Client and Mini that was causing frozen meteres when audio cut out in some situations where decay rate was used.

Version 5.71 Beta             07/31/2017


  • Fixed a bug that was using the VER responses to come up with the total number of sources and destinations in an Axia router.
  •    This was generating an incorrect number that could be much higher than the actual number of IOs in the router and could overflow the maximum integer value even though the actual number of IOs was still far below the 32,767 integer limit.
  • Fixed an issue where the edit names window would not allow expansion of the numeric field therefore hiding parts of the number for large id numbers.

Version 5.70 Beta             04/14/2017


  • Switched the default state of meters obtained by right clicking on route points to use Standard scale and 3000 decay.
  • Increased the default width of source and destination name columns especially in situations where the left hand route panel is closed.

Version 5.69 Beta             04/07/2017


  • Added an XNode mixer qualifier and action.
  • As a Qualifier, set a mixer input and output cross point and a clear state or gain range to make the qualifier true.
  • As an Action, set a mixer input and output cross point and define whether to clear the crosspoint or set it to a specific gain point.

Version 5.67 Beta             02/07/2017


  • Added some safety checks based on a user panel connection that was not recycling and generating an error message at a client's site.
  • - The client was running 5.51 so this may already be fixed as of 5.53, but this adds some extra safety checks.
  • Device counting towards the standard license is now based on unique IPs rather than connections.
  • Added initial support for Qor control in stack events.
  • - Requires Qor software revision or later.
  • - Added tool tips to identify which consoles certain options in the Axia Console Change qualifiers and actions work with.
  • - Qor supports:
  • - Show Profile changes
  • - Source Profile changes
  • - Fader On_State
  • - Fader Mute_State
  • - Fader Pgm buss assignments
  • - Fader Preview assignments
  • - Fader Talkback
  • - Talk to Studio
  • - Talk to Control Room
  • - Talk to Preview
  • - Fader Gain
  • - Fader Source Name
  • - User Button On/Off/Flash
  • - User Button Text
  • - User Button Key
  • - Note: MeterFader not supported with Qor currently as there is no way to resolve where the livewire inputs are assigned inside the console.
  • - Note: Only Fader numbers in Qor are supported. LwChannel identification for the change property is not.
  • - Note: This is new funcionality. Please report any issues.

Version 5.66 Beta             02/01/2017

PathfinderPCServer, PathfinderPCClient, PathfinderPCMini, PanelDesigner

  • Resolvd some dll dependency issues on SAMeterFader between core and standard client/mini/paneldesigner that existed in 5.65.

Version 5.65 Beta             02/01/2017

PathfinderPCServer, PathfinderPCClient, PathfinderPCMini, PanelDesigner

  • Added a FaderNominal property to MeterFader. This property allows you to set the red nominal gain box at a value other than the default 0.
  • Added the property HideGainValue to MeterFaders. This property hides the box displaying the gain value.
  • - This is designed to be used if you are altering the FaderNominal level and do not want to confuse the user by displaying the actual gain value from the device.
  • Fixed a bug where gain changes from the node were not always being dynamically sent to the meterfaders in the panels when the metering service was being used.

Version 5.63 Beta             01/31/2017


  • Disabling a UDP protocol translator was not closing the socket and therefore commands could still be sent. This should be fixed in this version.
  • Added an option for using SSL/TLS for email sending.

Version 5.62 Beta             01/31/2017


  • Added some code to look at time events from the previous day that had not fired just before resetting for the new day and firing them if they are surrounding midnight.
  • - This is to help with any delays related to events marked for 11:59:59 PM.
  • Moved the event timer back to a standard timer so that it is not subject to drift.
  • Modified the code to pass a single value for the current time through the loop of events to be checked to prevent an event that takes a while to run from pushing the analysis beyond the window on another event.

Version 5.61 Beta             01/26/2017


  • Updated the gain range of meterfader controls to reflect xnode gain ranges.
  • Updated the gain range of stack event gain changes to be -100.0 to 100.0.
  • - Please review documentation on the device in question to make sure you are selecting a valid value for the device.
  • - Added a hover comment to this affect.
  • Fixed a bug where changing the destination of a route mapped button using panel designer would not update in the server ram based data without a server restart.

Version 5.60 Beta             01/25/2017

PathfinderPCServer, PathfinderPCClient, PathfinderPCMini, PanelDesigner

  • Added a CenterPad property to the Meter control in panels.
  • - Increasing the center pad will open space between the left and right meters, and once large enough scale markings will appear.
  • Added a MeterStyle property to both the meter control and meterfader control in panels.
  • - This property will allow you to switch the meters from Led to gradient on either control.
  • Added a MeterScale property to both the meter control and meterfader control in panels.
  • - This property will allow you to switch between linear (same as old meters),
  • - standard which has different decibel ranges accented, and British which uses a more BBC like scale.
  • Added a LevelLineColor property for adjusting the color of the lines in the scale markings on meter controls.
  • Added a DecayRate property to meter and meterfader controls.
  • - This property allows you to define a time range in ms over which the meter will fade to nothing and yields smoother looking meters.
  • - The time range defines the falloff time if the level drops from 0 to -100.
  • - For shorter drops, the falloff is computed as an equivalent rate over the length of the drop.
  • - We are finding that around 3000ms on the decay rate yields much more natural looking meters.
  • - Warning: Setting the decay rate to anything other than zero will increase cpu load on the client displaying the meters as the falloff is computed and drawn at 10ms intervals. This will be most noticable on larger meter panels.
  • Warning: For now in this version the default meter style is the same as the meters have always been. You must edit the panels to make use of these new features.
  • The only change in the PathfinderPCServer installer is the new version of panel designer that supports these new properties.

Version 5.58 Beta             09/03/2016


  • Removed some unnecessary processor releases that could cause delays in certain situations.
  • Fixed an issue where the incomplete pending route change list could in certain situations grow and cause delays.
  • - This list is now keyed to the destination id and can never grow larger than the size of the router destination list.
  • - This also improves performance during route confirmation lookups.

Version 5.57 Beta             08/08/2016


  • Fixed a bug where where the device list refresh timer would continue to operate after the devicelist was closed and could cause significant cpu load.
  • Moved main Livewire connection timers to a separate ticktimer to reduce drift.
  • Fixed an issue where log files were not getting flushed to disk properly after the timer changes.

Version 5.56 Beta             08/02/2016


  • Blocked user activities in the livewire wizard while critical database functions are taking place.
  • - Previously closing or hitting enter on the final commit window after Finish had been clicked but before the database write was complete could cause incomplete data in the database.
  • Made it so that editing a second router while the editor for the first is open will be blocked with an error message.
  • Removed some unnecessary looping through units and redundant function calls when processing inbound TCP data from Axia Devices.
  • Added a .net utilities application that can process certain background tasks so that the main PFS processing can continue during those times.
  • Moved the analysis of panel file change alerts to the background utilities application.
  • Added an error message box to indicate if the PathfinderUtilities dll is not loading properly

Version 5.55 Beta             07/04/2016


  • Migrated all non-timing critical timers (such as polling timer) to a scheduling object to prevent grouping of timer activity.
  • - The goal of this change is to create a more even distribution of cpu load.
  • - This version has a major number of changes to accomplish these goals.
  • - If you run into any difficulties please revert to 5.54 or 5.53 and report the issues to support.
  • Added additional variables to the AxiaPollSettings config file for fine tuning of the new master scheduling timer.
  • Added a log message to log any timers that are forced to drift more than a certain number of ticks.
  • Added a port 9500 command to request the current tick interval of the master scheduling timer - MasterTickInterval.
  • Added a port 9500 command to request or change the alert threshold for timer drifts - MasterDriftAlert
  • Added a port 9500 subscription option for subscribing to MasterDriftAlerts.

Version 5.54 Beta             06/30/2016


  • Removed the special watch command line option as it is not used.
  • Removed some other unused classes and code.
  • Added a log item called FunctionTimeLimit.
  • - This option must be used in conjunction with a function time limit parameter.
  • - The parameter may be set temporarily (will not be retained between restarts) via port 9500 using the FunctionTimeLimit command.
  • - The parameter may be set permanently (will be retained via restarts) via the AxiaPollConfig config file.
  • - The parameter is not cluster aware and will have to be configured on each server.
  • - This log message and paramater are really designed to be used in conjunction with support.
  • - This will generate a log message if inbound data or timer calls take longer than the requested milliseconds to execute.
  • - It will be useful for debugging certain kinds of latency issues.
  • - Please note latency is expected during the initial startup procedures.
  • - Settings of less than 250ms are not recommended for the FunctionTimeLimit parameter.
  • - A great deal of code had to be touched to implement this log message so if you run into any problems please revert to 5.53.
  • Changed some internal code in the translator communications module to reduce redundancy in the code base.
  • Fixed an issue where the email send timer might continue to tick even when there were no messages to be sent.
  • Fixed an issue where a function call was executing on all protocol translators when it was only applicable to SoftwareAuthority Translators.
  • Added an option when if turned on will allow Software Authority ports to always accept login from connections on localhost or
  • - This is useful when the user wants to change the Admin password but still be able to read/write stack events without logging in and for the local metering service authentication.

Version 5.53 Beta             06/27/2016


  • Removed some unused debug command line options.
  • Standalone button Panels which were not referenced in hardware maps were not detecting loss of connection and reconnecting properly.
  • - Now added a heartbeat send poll on these connections to make sure loss of connection is detected.
  • Fixed an issue where the source profile name was being flipped to lower case and therefore the function call for retrieving the current source profile name would always be lower case.
  • Fixed a bug in panel designer where label hardware map internal names were not updating automatically after changing the name of the label.
  • Fixed a bug with the new metering changes introduced in 5.49 and gain controls in meter faders.
  • - This bug was causing the initial gain state of meter fader controls not to be sent when clients/mini opened up meterfaders.
  • - This caused meter faders to sometimes appear with no fader control until the host control changed.
  • Fixed an issue where the property "Top" on label controls could not be edited in Panel Designer.

Version 5.52 Beta             06/21/2016


  • StackEventEditor will now try system's default encoding as well as Ascii to decode stack event files if the initial load fails.
  • - Enabling/Disabling an entire stack group from the main PathfinderServer stack event tab was causing PathfinderServer to rewrite the stack event file.
  • - PathfinderServer used ANSI with the system's default code page for encoding whereas the editor specifies ASCII.
  • - This could cause problems when certain non-standard characters are used within the data of the stack event.
  • - This version of the stack event editor will attempt multiple encoding schemes when opening the file to resolve this if necessary.
  • StackEventEditor's multiline dialog will now present the function dialog as multiline as well.
  • Added command line options to the stack event editor to enable, disable, copy, and reversion events.
  • Modified PathfinderServer to use the new command line options for enabling, disabling, copying, and inserting versions stamps into stack events.
  • - This makes sure only one application is generating the xml and encoding.
  • Modified PathfinderServer clustering to save cluster version text for stack events using ascii encoding.
  • Removed the legacy Shift-Click stack event editor from PathfinderServer as it is no longer maintained and is out of date.

Version 5.51 Beta             06/13/2016


  • Fixed and cleaned up duplicate system error trap message related to LWCP version polling.
  • Made slight improvements to the rendering speed of stack event editor under low gpu conditions by using double buffering on the layout panels and removing unnecessary transparencies.
  • Since version 5.44 changes to database writing, lock states were not getting written to the database in a timely fashion. Lock state changes are now written immediately.

Version 5.50 Beta             06/02/2016


  • This version changes the stack event loading process so that the files are loaded into objects in RAM during the initial startup process rather than during event system start.
  • - This change allows for much faster failover and event system startup times on systems with large numbers of stack events because the loading and parsing from disk is minimized during event event system start.
  • - However this means the startup prior to starting clustering can take a bit longer. The files still have to be loaded. We have just moved that load to be before cluster synchronization and the opening of client ports. We refer to this as front loading.
  • - This change also allows for more accurate startup conditions of audio silence/presence events because the commands can be sent and accurate states obtained from the equipment before the event engine starts.
  • Added a status field to the splash screen that shows the loading stage during the initial software startup so that the user can see what is taking place during startup.
  • - On large systems this helps to provide confidence that the system is in fact loading initial startup data rather than being hung.
  • Made minor changes to improve event startup efficiency and audio alarm efficiency.
  • Removed the silence/presence 8 second delay for event startup added in 5.49. We now rely on front loading instead to provide time for the audio subscriptions to be loaded and processed before the event engine starts.
  • Please also review notes for version 5.49 as additional changes were made relative the silence/presence alarms in that version that are applicable to this version as well.

Version 5.49 Beta             05/26/2016


  • This version has major changes in the code which processes and monitors for audio silence and presence alarms.
  • Removed MTR from any silence alarm detection and rely only on LVL.
  • - This fixes an issue where occasionally a false silence or presence state could exist due to a startup or poll MTR state that was different from the LVL state.
  • Added a timeout to handle livewire windows drivers which do not report back audio presence if it exists when the subscription is sent.
  • - If Pathfinder is connected to a windows driver and the LVL subscription has been sent and no response received within 5 seconds, presence is assumed.
  • - Previously MTR was being used to obtain the initial state, but this proved to be inaccurate since MTR returns peak since last request rather than current state.
  • Added a log message to track the subscription state of audio alarms.
  • - Care should be used with this log message as scrolling through lists in the client will cause large numbers of log messages and subsequent cpu load as silence bubbles are subscribed to and unsubscribed from.
  • - Values this log message display include NoSubSent, SubscriptionSent, LvlBothReceived, LvlAssumedPresentLeft, LvlAssumedPresentRight, LvlAssumedPresentBoth.
  • - Again this log message should be used primarily for debug purposes.
  • Added a startup delay of 8 seconds for events which contain silence/presence qualifiers.
  • - This delay allows the subscription message to be sent and states to be received before the initial state of the qualifier/event is assigned.
  • Silence/Presence event when first created or on startup now assumes the existing state has been in place for at least the length of the timeout.
  • - This prevents a flutter at event startup where the event can assume opposing state from what the audio actually is until the timer starts and completes a countdown.
  • Added the ability to take silence and presence qualifiers down to a value of 0. Previously 1 second was the lowest value.
  • - It is important to note that with a value of 0, the silence alarms are still subject to the 250 ms value submitted to the equpment and the individual equipment's responsiveness with these alarms.
  • Added the option in the silence and presence qualifiers to specify which channels will affect whether the qualifier is true.
  • - Options include empty, LeftOnly, RightOnly, Both, Any.
  • - Empty value resorts to the default behavior Pathfinder has always used and will be used as the backwards compatible value for existing stack events.

Version 5.46 Beta             05/06/2016


  • EOM on generic translators was not respecting normal Pathfinder escape sequences for hex variables and escape sequences like \cr\lf. Fixed in this version.
  • VER polling for the multicast gpio service was not being translated to an appropriate poll command causing response timeouts and the service to appear offline in the client. Fixed in this version.

Version 5.45 Beta             04/27/2016


  • Warning: These versions (5.34_Sirius to 5.45) represents major changes to how devices, their connections, and polling are handled. If bugs appear, please revert to an earlier version and report the problem.
  • Fixed two bugs in the scripting function GetDestinationWatchPrvSrc that was causing it not to return previous source numbers properly.
  • This function is only used in custom scripts and so very rarely encountered.

Version 5.44 Beta             03/28/2016 to 04/14/2016


  • Warning: These versions (5.34_Sirius to 5.44) represents major changes to how devices, their connections, and polling are handled. If bugs appear, please revert to an earlier version and report the problem.
  • Fixed a bug where the collection that holds route, gpio, and certain other changes that need to be sent to the clients was not getting cleared unless it reached a size of 16000 or 32000 if no client was subscribed to that router.
  • Fixed a bug where route changes in the TelosLivewire and TelosLivewireGpio routers were being added to a collection to be used in updating the database, but the route states in the database was never updated. This is benign because on start we load from the database but then get the actual route states from the equipment, but the collection that held these changes was growing as route changes happened causing a slow memory leak.
  • Set the collection that holds pending route changes to be written to the router to be keyed so that only the last change on any destination is in the list. That way that list can be no longer than the number of destinations in the router. Set this for all routers. This prevents the memory leak mentioned above
  • Fixed a bug where GPIs that were not trippable were being added as destinations in the pin router. This is a bug that has only existed in the pin router wizard since 5.33. If extra pins are present, editing the pin router and resaving should remove the erroneous destination pins.
  • TelosLivewire, TelosLivewireGpio, Virtual, and routerAxiaIport do not need to update the database with every batch of route changes since they sync with the equipment on restart anyway. So added code to only write pending route changes to the database once a day. This reduces cpu load during normal operation because we do not have to write to the disk. Time will be first route change after 3AM on the next day.
  • Also added a release of cpu during every 100 writes to prevent heavy cpu load if many destinations need to be written to the database at one time.
  • Increased the pin router to database write of pending route changes from 250ms to 1000ms.
  • Removed a chunk of old looping code on a timer related to virtual routes. It was causing significantly extra cpu load during route changes with virtual routers especially with lots of virtual routers in the system.
  • Replaced several loops with faster keyed collections for better memory and cpu utilization.
  • Removed the _Core application from the PathfinderPCClient Installer. Core versions of the applications are now their own installer.
  • Removed the _Core application from the PathfinderPCMini Installer. Core versions of the applications are now their own installer.

Version 5.42 Beta             01/17/2016


  • Warning: These versions (5.34_Sirius to 5.42) represents major changes to how devices, their connections, and polling are handled. If bugs appear, please revert to an earlier version and report the problem.
  • Fixed a bug with the ability for stack events to change pictures on panel buttons which was added in 5.32. When the secondary node of a cluster came online the current state as altered by stack events of the PictureUpOff, PictureDownOff, PictureUpOn, and PictureUpOff properties were not being sent across the cluster.

Version 5.41 Beta             12/28/2015

PathfinderPCServer, PathfinderPCClient, PathfinderPCMini

  • Warning: These versions (5.34_Sirius to 5.41) represents major changes to how devices, their connections, and polling are handled. If bugs appear, please revert to an earlier version and report the problem.
  • Added MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_ATTEMPTS=5 to the AxiaPollConfig file.
  • Added MAX_IN_PROG_PURGE=30 to the AxiaPollConfig file.
  • Connection attempts now go into an In-Progress list that has a max number of simultaneous clients. This is because too many simultaneous connections attempts can peg the cpu and make things unresponsive.
  •    The purge will remove a connection from the In-Progress list as a safety catch after the defined number of seconds in case the connect/error/and other events do not clear it.
  •    This allows the system to remain reponsive if large numbers of devices are lost at once and have to be reconnected.
  •    It might take a bit longer for the reconnects to take place, but it also lessens the chance of a bound cpu causing timeouts and cyclical reconnects.
  • Added INITIAL_CONVERGE_DELAY=15 to the AxiPollConfig file. This allows the clustering converge delay to be modified as necessary. Only change this value in consultation with support.
  • Made the clustering EventEngineStart not fire if the event engine is already running.
  • Added device count in the ip column of the device list at the router level.
  • Fixed a problem with reconnecting to devices. The updates of the device state as it went offline or came online was sending the full router stats to any clients rather than just the changed ios.
  •    Additionally it was doing it 50ms after every device state change.
  •    Additionally it was building the full Send text regardless of whether there was a client open with that router open.
  •    This has all been fixed in this version for greatly reduced cpu load on large systems.
  •    It particularly helps in the case where the system loses or gains connection to multiple devices at once as would occur with a switch failure.
  • Fixed a bug where in certain rare situations if the cluster connection between two active servers dies, one of the servers might not get the correct event system running/standby state information when the system re-syncs.
  •    Clients connected to that server might have needed to reopen the panels/routers after the re-sync. This should be fixed.
  • Fixed a bug in PathfinderClient and PathfinderMini where if the server sends an update to a name field of a panel, the changed tag was using the panel name joined with the button name instead of just the button name.
  •    This could cause client panels not to work until they were closed and opened because they were sending the incorrect id.
  •    They were sending Panel.Panel.Control instead of Panel.Control. This is a very rare occurence and only happened in very specific cluster failure situations. It should be fixed in this version.

Version 5.40 Beta             12/16/2015


  • Warning: These versions (5.34_Sirius to 5.40) represents major changes to how devices, their connections, and polling are handled. If bugs appear, please revert to an earlier version and report the problem.
  • Fixed a bug introduced in connection changes in 5.38 where Lwcp connections were not always getting reestablished after a device outage.

Version 5.39 Beta             12/15/2015


  • Warning: These versions (5.34_Sirius to 5.39) represents major changes to how devices, their connections, and polling are handled. If bugs appear, please revert to an earlier version and report the problem.
  • Fixed some benign error log messages when creating a new Axia Audio or Gpio router.
  • MasterTimer was getting reset repeatedly during heavy cpu load when it only need to be reset once or twice. This should be fixed.
  • Reworked the router refresh methods for Axia Audio, Gpio, and Iport to be faster and more efficient with better use of hashtables during the refresh process.
  • Fixed a bug that was not displaying the progress information screen when you edit a gpio router.

Version 5.38 Beta             12/14/2015


  • Warning: These versions (5.34_Sirius to 5.38) represents major changes to how devices, their connections, and polling are handled. If bugs appear, please revert to an earlier version and report the problem.
  • Migrated 5.37_Sirius changes into the primary trunk code.
  • This version contains all of the changes from the 5.34_Sirius to 5.37_Sirius versions below to allow for much larger numbers of devices in the system.
  • Added judicial cpu releases into virtual router editing to allow ther system to continue to process events while committing the virtual router changes.
  • Moved the check all function into a progressive timer in order to prevent cpu locks at the end of virtual router editing while all ios are reconciled.
  • Added the VerSent log message.
  • Moved polling of devices for alive status and state information to a centrally managed algorythm to prevent polls from bunching up and creating bursts of cpu load.
  • Added a configuration file for tuning the polling algorythm. This should not be changed except as requested by support.
  •    Note: This algorythm may increase the time between polls slightly and therefore the time before a device failure is detected.
  •    Note: If you need quicker detection, please add a stack event to monitor the critical device as that will place it in a priority poll queueu.
  • Added sequential staggered connecting pool for device connections and device connection recycling.
  •    Note: This means it may take a minute or more depending on the size of the system to establish connections to all devices at startup.
  •    Note: However it also greatly reduces cpu issues during the initial startup as well as during normal execution.
  • Changed poll outage detection so that normal cpu spikes should not cause massive disconnects and reconnects.
  • Fixed a bug in the new socket pool that would mean sometimes sockets would not be removed from the pool after removing a device from a router.
  • Implemented a high priority queue which sends VER more frequently to devices that are in deviceFailure stack event qualifiers.
  • Made changes to release the processor at certain times during pin router tree building and final pin router commit to allow other events to process while that router is displayed and built.
  • Moved cluster change messages to occur after the router refresh in the finish functions for livewire and virtual routers.
  • This version is currently allowing much larger systems to work with low cpu load. Currently testing with >2000 device connections and audio and gpio routers in the 16,000x16,000 size range.
  •    Note: Because we are releasing the cpu during router database rebuilds in order to better execute critical events, the final commit of the router can take much longer but the system should remain responsive during that time.
  •    Note: Progress is presented via updating messages.

Version 5.37_Sirius Beta             11/23/2015


  • Extends 5.37_Sirius
  • Fixed an issue in both probel translators that would generate an incorrect checksum in certain cases.
  • Not released publicly other than 1 customer

Version 5.36_Sirius Beta             11/16/2015


  • Extends 5.35_Sirius
  • Added the ability to define EOM in generic translators. When utilized this allows only full messages to be passed to stack events for analysis
  • Added new function: funct:Contains(<DataString>,<ContainsString>) - Returns True/False depending on whether Datastring Contains ContainsString
  • Added new function: funct:EndsWith(<DataString>,<EndsWithString>) - Returns True/False depending on whether Datastring ends with EndsWithString
  • Added new function: funct:Substring(<DataString>,<StartIndex>,<Count>) - Returns the substring based on the start position and count from the DataString
  • Added new function: funct:Length(<DataString>) - Returns the length of DataString
  • Added new function: funct:GenericTransLastMessage(<ProtocolTranslatorIndex>) - Returns the last received message from the generic translator
  • Added new function: funct:Unescape(<DataString>) - Handles the conversion of special escaped values such as \cr \lf
  • In the prot trans analysis - added some code such that if a function was used in the protocol translator qualifier value, and the result yielded a value of True or False, then use that True or False as the value of the qualifier rather than as a match value
  • Not released publicly other than 1 customer

Version 5.35 Mini Beta             11/20/2015


  • Fixed metering in the PathfinderPCMini_Core binary. It was not working with PFCorePro.

Version 5.35 Client Beta             11/17/2015


  • Hid the seach all routers from the File Search link in the Core build of the client.

Version 5.35_Sirius Beta             10/29/2015


  • Extends 5.34_Sirius
  • Removed some unnecessry Loops for faster starup
  • Removed some rogue code that was launching additional unused sockets from a period of time when we were tinkering with preloading
  • Improved system responsiveness during router editing while loading and committing the edits of very large Axia Audio and Gpio routers
  • Fixed a bug. Could not remove items from the node tree once the tree exceeded 32,000 branches. In that case you have to remove them by key rather than index. This is a bug in the Microsoft component but the workaround was to use key instead.
  • Fixed a bug with the new socket obtaining method. If a socket was removed we were still using count to obtain the next loading index. This would fail because highest index was then count. The index is maintained more intelligently now.
  • Not released publicly other than 1 customer

Version 5.34_Sirius Beta             10/26/2015


  • Branch of 5.34 with changes for systems with very large numbers of devices (>500)
  • Consolidates socket forms to alleviate a creation limitation.
  • Consolidates connection handling timers to alleviate a timer limitation with the operating system.
  • Not released publicly other than 1 customer

Version 5.34 Beta             10/26/2015

PathfinderPCClient, PathfinderPCMini

  • Pulled 5.33 client changes into Client for Pathfinder Core PRO branch
  • Disabled and hid the all routers search option in the PathfinderClient_Core binary
  • Disabled and hid the Events button and menu item in the PathfinderClient_Core binary
  • Compiled Core client binaries as 5.34 and rebuilt the setup packages

Version 5.34 Beta             10/26/2015


  • Made the Probel General Switcher protocol reply to standard interrogates with extended tallies if the tally data cannot be expressed by a standard tally. For example if the source number > 1024.

Version 5.33 Beta             10/16/2015

PathfinderPCServer, PathfinderPCClient, PathfinderPCMini

  • Fixed an issue where the ByPin router did not consider Multicast Gpio ports as a trippable GPI and therefore did not add the GPIs for multicast gpio ports into the DST list of the ByPin router.
  • ForeColor on labels in PFClient And Mini user panels no longer flashes. Flashing on forecolor was unnecessary and confusing.

Version 5.32 Beta             09/24/2015


  • Fixed a bug. The Previous source profile option was not working. This has been fixed.
  • Added support for changing the button pictureUpOff, UpOn, DownOff, and DownOn pictures via stack events. Use the name of the graphics file including the extension in the stack event fields.

Version 5.31 Release       08/24/2015

PathfinderPCServer, PanelDesigner, PathfinderClient, PathfinderMini

IMPORTANT FEATURE UPDATE: Broadcast Tools protocol translation is not present in Pathfinder v5.31 and later.

Clients using this protocol translator should contact Telos Alliance Support before downloading or upgrading.

  • Compiled as 5.31 Release.
  • Removed Btools protocol translation from Pathfinder Server.